Bringing Days out to Life with QR Codes
Everyone loves a day out. Whether it’s a museum, a nature reserve, the zoo or aquarium, a stately home or historical monument, nothing beats that change of scenery, and that out-of-this world learning experience that never fades, whatever age we may be.

The only thing about days out and getting the most out of the educational side of the experience is that for the most part, we either have to read up before we go, pick up a guide or leaflet when we get there, or mess around on our phones randomly looking stuff up and getting frustrated by information overload. Well, we used to. That was until the QR code came into existence.
QR codes deliver instant information to visitors’ handsets courtesy of a quick and simple scan. So visitors on days out can flex their learning gland every time they want to know more about anything from a plant species to the history of a stately home.
No fumbling through printed guides, no fighting with great big leaflets that never fold back the way they were, and no bumbling about on Google. It’s all right there, in a simple scan.
So, if you operate some sort of visitor attraction, and you haven’t yet joined the code-scanning revolution, here are just a few reasons why QR codes for visitor attractions are the best thing since crustless bread.
QR codes are paper-free
The average Brit consumes the equivalent of four and a half trees in paper every year. Even more shocking, two thirds of that is wasted.
Everyone should be doing something about the paper waste crisis. In fact, everyone can, including visitor attractions.
So instead of churning out paper-based guidebooks and information leaflets, why not just place visitor attraction QR codes around the venue that everyone can scan to learn more?
The great thing about QR codes is that they’re dynamic. So if something changes, you just update the information, and the code updates automatically. No need to reprint anything, and no need for any waste.
QR codes are versatile
There’s pretty much no limit to the type of attraction that can use a QR code (stately homes and UNESCO World Heritage Sites excluded, but we’ll tackle those later).
Nature trail QR codes for example can be placed at intervals around a reserve, woodland or park, revealing interesting insights about the history of the location, the types and species of plants that grow there, and the wildlife and birdlife you’re likely to spot.
Even better, you can create digital nature trails to make the whole outdoor experience interactive. A real charmer for kids to get them interested in their natural surroundings, and to keep them engaged as they use their favourite devices to discover a whole new world.
Zoos, aquariums and botanical gardens are great examples of where visitor attraction QR codes can work brilliantly.
Those information boards are OK, but they’re hardly engaging. Surely it’s more of an educational experience to see videos of the animal, sea creature or plant in its natural habitat or environment? To see how they look at different stages of life or through the seasons? Not possible through static info boards. But definitely possible with QR codes.
QR codes are multi-lingual
Millions of people visit the UK from abroad every year. So it’s safe to say that at some point, you’re going to need to share information in other languages. More paper? Please no!
The beauty of using QR codes for visitor attractions is that they are multi-lingual. When someone scans a code, their phone’s language is automatically detected, and the information is seamlessly delivered in the native tongue.
Every single language in the world is supported by QR codes. So not only can you stop printing those tourist guides in English, you can save even more paper by cutting out the translations. And you get to make our overseas visitors feel all the more welcome into the bargain.
QR codes can be swapped for NFC codes
When we mentioned stately homes and UNESCO World Heritage Sites before, we could hear the listed building and conservation police shouting, “NO! You’re not sticking QR codes on our artefacts!”
Well actually, we wouldn’t dream of it. We agree they wouldn’t look right in certain settings. But we still feel strongly that visitors should have access to consume as much intriguing information as they can digest when visiting protected places.
The good news is that there’s an alternative in the shape of Near-Field Communication, or NFC, the very technology that powers contactless payments. Miniscule NFC chips can be hidden away from view, but can still be scanned by a phone to reveal just the same info as visitor attraction QR codes would. So it’s one point for aesthetics, and an equaliser for the visitor experience.
QR codes for monuments and heritage sites can be programmed to reveal an array of insightful information. From historical facts and photos through the ages, to music samples of the time, and even videos showing re-enactments related to the spot.
QR codes make donating quick and simple
If you’re starting to worry how your takings will suffer now you’ve withdrawn all those printed guide books to save paper waste, fear not, because QR codes can be used by visitors to make donations quickly and easily.
All they need to do is scan the code, and they’re taken to their preferred payment platform, where they can donate their chosen amount.
You can also use a QR code to share exclusive special offers at your venue’s gift shop, driving traffic into the store. Job done!
QR codes make it easy to review and connect
The value of visitor reviews is undeniable. As well as fantastic marketing for your venue, reviews are important as a measure of service and experience.
The great news is that you can also use visitor attraction QR codes to make it easy for visitors to leave you a review. Scanning the code directs them to your platform of preference, where they can wax lyrical about their amazing, digitally-enhanced experience.
Even better, you can use a QR code to send people directly to your social media platforms to help boost your following.
Ready to discover the potential of QR codes for visitor attractions? visitor attraction QR codes offer all sorts of benefits. From reducing paper waste to enhancing the visitor experience and opening up all sorts of marketing opportunities, there’s a lot to love. QR codes are dynamic, multilingual and completely customisable. And our pricing plans are a breeze to navigate.
Reducing the paper waste crisis and making a contribution to global sustainability is important to us. And that’s why we’ve chosen to reward our customers by planting two trees on your behalf for every Bangl purchased.