Capture Real Time Feedback with a QR Code Suggestion Box
The suggestion box, sometimes referred to as the feedback or ideas box, offers a whole host of benefits in a variety of environments. From workplaces to retail environments, and from apartment complexes to hotels and restaurants, there is huge scope to receive suggestions and feedback, and many advantages to be gleaned in the process.

Did you know that the ‘Amazon Prime’ concept actually emanated from a suggestion by a group of Amazon employees?
And that British Airways saves $750,000 in fuel costs every year thanks to a suggestion from a single employee about descaling bathroom piping?
There is clearly a lot to be gained by inviting suggestions.
The benefits of the suggestion box
If you are eager to boost employee engagement or foster more meaningful relationships with customers, patrons or residents, a suggestion box can prove invaluable.
In the workplace, input around working conditions, everyday procedures, human resources, technology, benefits and management structures all serve to help improve the workplace, bolster morale and motivation, and enhance productivity and profitability.
In a commercial environment, constructive feedback can help shape improvements that lead to enhanced competitive edge and brand loyalty.
A suggestion box can make employees feel more of an integral part of an organisation, and customers or patrons more valued and likely to remain brand loyal. Especially when their individual suggestions are implemented, or their problems are resolved.
Showing you are open to ideas and feedback can also improve the flow of communication, as well as encouraging a problem-solving culture. In the workplace, the suggestion box doesn’t just encourage staff to identify issues, but also to come up with potential solutions.
The process of inviting anonymous suggestions also serves as a platform for less vocal contributors, who may feel intimidated to share feedback in person.
The downsides of the suggestion box, and how to overcome them
Whilst you may receive some helpful and constructive ideas via your suggestion box, there can be a few downsides.
For one, the feedback process can become a breeding ground for negativity, with contributors airing grievances without actually offering any real solutions.
It can also be time consuming to sort through and assimilate all of the suggestions.
Often, the novelty will wear off over time, with the suggestion box eventually becoming nothing but a dust collector. This will especially be the case where there is no evidence that suggestions are being actioned, which can send the message that opinions are not valued.
Incentives are key to the success of any suggestion programme. Offering awards or prizes for innovations or profit-driving ideas will help stimulate input, maintain interest and demonstrate appreciation.
Another driver of success has to be the user interface. Providing a user-friendly way to make suggestions will encourage interaction with the programme. And this is where the digital anonymous suggestion box comes into its own.
The benefits of the digital suggestion box
Unlike traditional suggestion boxes, digital ones are able to process suggestions in real time.
With a digital suggestion box, it’s far quicker and easier to assimilate suggestions and filter them into categories so they can be actioned.
The digital suggestion box also makes it easier to respond to submissions. You can set an automated thank-you message to acknowledge receipt so that contributors have that instant recognition of their input.
There’s also the opportunity to make your digital suggestion box interactive, so it openly encourages input on solutions as well as problem reporting.
An anonymous digital suggestion box will open up the field to contributors who may fear judgement or a lack of comfort in sharing their ideas.
Sharing your digital suggestion box
Once you’ve decided to go digital with your suggestion box, the next question is, how to share it?
Yes, you could email a link, or share it via your intranet, app or newsletter. But if you really want to make it fully accessible and increase the likelihood of contributions, the best way has to be sharing it via a scannable QR code.
A QR code suggestion box is the ideal solution for keeping your feedback programme front of mind. Codes can be placed in communal zones, reception areas, outdoor spaces… on restaurant menus, hotel desks, changing room or rest room doors… really, the list is endless.
The great thing about using QR codes to call in ideas and feedback is that you can create a digital anonymous suggestion box with ease that captures only the comment and nothing else. The codes also detect the native language of the device used to scan them, making them naturally multilingual.
Create your QR code suggestion box today with the help of Bangl QR codes QR codes can be used to create a simple to use anonymous digital suggestion box that will help you better engage with your staff, customers or patrons. QR codes are dynamic, which means they allow you to alter the information behind them any time so they automatically update. They’re also multilingual and 100 per cent customisable. Our pricing plans are a piece of cake too.
What’s more, by using a QR code suggestion box rather than a traditional, paper-based suggestion box, you are reducing paper waste. That’s something we consider important too, which is why we’ve chosen to reward our customers by planting two trees on your behalf for every Bangl purchased.
Contact us to discuss customising your Bangl QR Code suggestion boxes.