Boost Packaging Recycle Rates and Reduce Landfill with Recycling QR Codes
Around 85% of plastic packaging worldwide ends up in landfill. And that’s not the only place it finds its way into. Marine life is being seriously impacted by plastic pollution in our oceans too, with up to 199 million tonnes of the stuff reckoned to be sitting on the world’s sea beds.

In terms of paper and cardboard packaging, recycling rates are higher. But it’s far from perfect. In fact, 5 million tonnes of paper waste ends up in UK landfill every year. That’s 40% of all landfill. If 10% more could be recycled, then we’d save 5 million more trees per year.
With so many different types of packaging, it’s no wonder consumers are confused about what they can recycle, and how. The trouble is, if it’s not clear whether something can be recycled, it tends to end up in the rubbish bin. So huge amounts of packaging miss out on a second life, and landfill grows even vaster.
Why are recycling rates so low?
Hats off to manufacturers, more and more packaging can now be recycled. The trouble is that the progress they’ve made isn’t always obvious. So people go on relegating the stuff they always thought wasn’t recyclable to the waste bin, not knowing things have changed.
There’s also the fact that not all packaging is suitable for roadside collections. Some, like soft plastics, need to go to supermarket collection points, for example. But if the wrong stuff is put into the household recycling, it can cause all manner of problems. Recycling machinery can get clogged when faced with the wrong type of plastic, interfering with the recycling process.
Contamination is another problem. Greasy pizza boxes and mayo-stained sandwich packaging can’t be reused. And then there are things like envelopes for example, and Christmas wrapping. Envelopes with address windows contain a film that isn’t usually recyclable. And metallic Christmas wrap is a no-go too.
But it’s labour-intensive for recycling plants to separate contaminated or unsuitable items from packaging that can be recycled.
Sometimes, recycling facilities reject entire batches of what would otherwise be totally recyclable packaging, purely because it’s contaminated. So instead of reincarnating as something useful, it ends up in landfill. And that’s a real tragedy.
What’s the solution?
So what if there was a quick and easy way to educate people about the recycling or reuse potential of their packaging? Happily, there is. And it could spell seriously good news for the planet.
QR codes offer an interactive way to share packaging recycling information. An attention-grabbing message like, “Finished? Here’s what to do with me…” draws the eye to the code, which when scanned delivers the necessary instructions to do the right thing.
Not everyone looks for recycling information on packaging. Sometimes there’s just not the space to make it obvious enough. But with recycling QR codes, you can share as much detail as you like, without taking up too much print space.
There’s also the opportunity to share ideas for reusing or upcycling items if recycling isn’t an option.
Recycling QR codes aren’t just good for packaging. They can be used on pretty much anything that has the potential to be wrongly disposed of. Like electrical goods, for example. Kids’ toys. Books. Clothes and fashion accessories".
In other words, QR codes can help you do the right thing, by helping your customers do the right thing.
Share recycling advice on packaging the simple way with recycling QR codes QR codes are the easy way to share packaging recycling information. They have the potential to make a significant difference, on a major scale. packaging recycling QR codes are dynamic (you can edit the information behind them any time and it will automatically update), multilingual (they’ll deliver your info in the default language of the user’s device) and fully customisable. Our pricing plans are also a breeze to navigate.
Reducing packaging waste is important to us. We know it’s important to you too. It’s why we’ve chosen to reward our customers by planting two trees on your behalf for every Bangl purchased.
To find out more how it works with Bangl recycling QR codes. Contact us to discuss customising your codes to fit your specific needs.