The landscape image of a stylised QR code rising from a circuit board


Some QR code providers have monthly charges and usage caps as well as usage bands. It all can get very confusing and hard to plan what the actual cost might be. We try to take a simpler and more practical approach.

We do not cap usage. We do not have bands of bronze, silver and gold or low, medium and high. Just straightforward pricing. In fact, we consider it market leading in its simplicity. The only thing you need to decide is whether you want to commit to 12 months and enjoy a generous 50% off, or whether you prefer to just go with a 30-day rolling contract.

Based on a 12-month commitment, every is £1 per month. If you customise the 'look and feel', it's another pound. If you make it private, requiring a password to view it, that's another pound. If you want it to be two-way, in other words have the ability for someone to scan the and then send you something, you’ve guessed it, that's another pound. And lastly, if you want to be notified, in real time, about an event relevant to the, such as a check-in or lone worker, well yes, that's another pound.

So, one does not need to be Carol Vorderman to work out that a can cost you as little as £1 per month to as much as £5 per month with a 12-month commitment. If you opt to pay on a 30-day rolling contract, then every £1 becomes £2. So the minimum spend will be £2 per month, and the maximum would be £10 per month.

As previously mentioned, every comes with unlimited use, edits, updates and interactions. And for the record, the average cost across all our clients is £2 per month.

Invoicing 30 days in arrears.

Every comes with 30 days’ use, free of charge. If you decide you no longer need a, just 'delete' it. Once you have had a for more than 30 days, you will be invoiced according to the pricing matrix shown below.

All the charges are cumulative and per month. For example, a standard with no extra features would be £1 per month. However, if you add customisation and notifications, the monthly fee would now be £3 per month.

You can view past and current spend at any time, for any Bangl, from your personalised dashboard. You can also drill down into the detail of any, seeing every payment made, the monthly charge, what you have spent to date, plus any outstanding amounts.

You do not have to make payment until you receive your invoice.

Product Monthly Charge
Standard £1.00
Two-way (Postable) £1.00
Notifications via Email £1.00
Customisation £1.00
Private £1.00
*All prices shown are in GBP and exclude VAT currently charged @@ 20%

Call for more information: +44 (0) 1277 523563 or email