Fleet Management – How QR Codes are Keeping Vehicles and Drivers Safe
QR codes are not just for menus and ‘more information’. They’re being used across industry in a variety of ways to track assets and streamline processes, replacing clunky paper-based systems and saving heaps of time and money with their simple ‘scan and see’ functionality.

From protecting lone workers to making asset management a breeze, QR codes are making waves in business circles. Their ability to store heaps of data makes it possible to stack them up with all sorts of information, instructions and forms, so they can literally be used for anything from learning how something works or how it should be handled in line with health and safety guidelines, to booking it in for a service.
How can QR codes help with fleet management and mandatory daily vehicle checks?
Keeping vehicles and drivers safe is a major priority. Poorly maintained vehicles cost time and money, and can cost lives too.
The safe day-to-day running of a fleet is dependent on daily vehicle checks. And these daily checks are a legal requirement under the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) requirements. They have to be done, but there is no reason why they can’t be done in a time and cost-saving digital format.
Using paper-based processes and spreadsheets to check and monitor vehicles and plant can prove challenging, especially if you have multiple assets and various locations to keep a handle on.
With QR codes for fleet management, the whole process of daily vehicle checking becomes so much easier. It can do a great job of providing fleet managers with real time asset intelligence too, so they can keep track of vehicle condition and usage without relying on often unreliable paper trails.
Taking things digital
Instead of manually keeping track with sign-in sheets, paper-based condition checklists and calendars, fleet management QR codes can be assigned to each vehicle or piece of equipment, and to individual parts thereof, to digitise the whole process.
Everyone has a smartphone in their pocket. Which is why using QR codes for fleet management makes so much sense.
All the vehicle operator needs to do is scan the code inside the vehicle to instantly bring up a list of the pre-use checks they need to complete. The process can be as simple as ticking boxes to confirm everything is in order, and taking image snapshots of vehicle mileage, as well as any issues that need attention.
QR codes can be placed in particular places, such as under the bonnet or in the boot, in the cabin of a van or in its load space. This makes the scans location specific, which helps to guide the required routine.
So, for example when you scan the code under the bonnet, you’ll see the battery and fluids, fuel and oil checks. And a scan of the driver’s seat area code will bring up the checklist for lights, brakes, horn and steering, washers and wipers, mirrors and glass and seats and seatbelts. And so on as per the official daily walkaround checklist.
One of the best things about digital fleet and tracking solutions using QR codes is that the checks can be carried out anywhere, with the data captured instantly transferred to head office via WiFi or data, so they can see what’s happening in real time, and action any necessary repairs or maintenance without delay.
What’s more, because you can password protect QR codes, you can set hierarchy permissions, as well as track who has scanned particular codes and completed the necessary formalities.
Ban.gl was commissioned for one of the UK’s largest construction contractors, who were seeking a digital fleet management solution to run alongside their QR code check in system. Now their paper-based fleet management protocols have been replaced with something far more streamlined, all thanks to QR code contactless technology.
QR codes for fleet management from Bangl, the QR code people
Switching to a digital fleet management system has the potential to save time and money, as well as make regulatory compliance far less challenging.
Ban.gl QR codes provide the ultimate way to streamline the entire fleet management and mandatory vehicle safety checks process. And it can all be fully tailored to suit a business on an individual level.